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Aloha, AHH 23 days 'til Christmas my reindeers! In my blog post today I am going to be sharing with you my top 10 items on my wishlist for Christmas. A little tip for you is on your wishlist try to include items that you would like but also that you know your parents are willing to pay for, for you. For example try not to ask them for and iPhone, Camera and Laptop but instead ask for an iPhone, bath bombs from Lush and some clothes from your favourite clothes store. I am very grateful for all of the presents that I receive on Christmas day and I am definitely spoiled! P.s after Christmas day I think I will make a blog post on my favourite presents that I received on the day! Xo


1. iPhone 6

2.Clothes (Lorna Jane, Glassons, Mooloola, Forever New, Tilli, Witchery, Kaiami, Topanga and Country Road)

3. Body Products (Lush, The Body Shop and Aesop)

4. Swimmers (Funkita, Amanzi and Triangl)

5. Jewellery (Mimco)

6. Camera (Canon or Nikon)

7. Stationary (kikki.K) 8. Fairy Lights (kikki.K)

9. Shammy for diving (Speedo)

10. Handbag (Mimco, Forever New, Witchery)

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