Aloha, and a very merry Christmas to you all! I hope you have all had such a lovely day spent with the most special people of your family. I absolutely love this holiday and I feel so blessed to have such a lovely family to spend this day with. In a couple of days I am going to be showing you some of my favourite presents I received in a YouTube video! So can you please share with me in the comments down below what your favourite Christmas present was so I can feature you! This is how my day went today. So every Christmas morning my family wakes up together including my Mum, Dad, Older Brother and our Nanna. We all go downstairs to the tree to start opening presents. After we have finished un-wrapping our perfect gifts we all have a quick breakfast which includes tea, coffee, hot chocolate, acai bowls, smoothies, cereal, bacon and eggs- basically whatever you would like! Then we all get ready really quickly and head out. Today Christmas day was at my cousins house and it is literally a two minute walk to the beach which we all love. We had our lunch and then some of us (mainly the kids) went down to the beach to play in the ocean. At my cousins house I saw my cousins, aunties, uncles, great aunties, great uncles, cousins and second cousins- all together there were around 80 of us. Just in case you were wondering we went to Church on Christmas Eve.I hope you all had a great Christmas and treasure it while you can! Xo